Hi, I'm Myu—for short. Born in South Korea and raised in the U.S., I'm a natural foodie (seriously, have you ever had KBBQ?) and a lover of comfy street wear. I'm currently a 2nd year uni student studying health sciences that loves
The Office series way too much. When I'm not eating, studying, or watching my favorite Youtubers, I spend my time playing online games and watching anime. I use this blog mainly as a platform for creative expression, be it reviews of a much loved product, inspirational photo collages, or the classic OOTD. This is just a very tiny snippet of my life that I wish to share with you, and I hope this log of entries becomes a place of inspiration and comfort. If not, I hope it's at least something intriguing enough to help kill your time on the internet. So.. welcome to my little internet home.